Underground utility lines make up some of the most essential aspects that are needed for the modern world. Many underground utilities include sewer lines, gas lines, power lines, and communication lines, among others. As a leading name in pipe rehabilitation in Charlotte, NC, Federal EC shares how you can maintain your underground utilities.
Verify the Underground Utility Location
Before you consider trenchless pipe lining, it is essential to gain an accurate assessment of the presence of underground utilities in your property. This is done by using a city map and addressing a set of questions, including information on the type of piping being used, the number of meters installed, and the identification of main service pipes.
It can be helpful to note that the most common services include sewer, water, or electricity lines, which is why reviewing this information will give you a better understanding of the layout of the utilities and whether further underground utility construction is necessary.
Some other questions you can ask include whether your utilities are in an earthquake zone and whether any part of the structure poses any potential for damage to the underground pipes. This means that you need to closely examine where utilities are installed in your property and where they connect with other areas. Keep in mind that many storm drain rehabilitation projects are carried out along sidewalk structures, driveways, and other places where water tends to collect.
Let the Pros Handle It
Beyond making sure you don’t accidentally dig into and damage your underground utility lines, all the other technical and rehabilitative aspects of underground utility maintenance, such as those that require CIPP pipe lining, should be entrusted to the experts. Luckily, our team of highly trained pipe restoration specialists here at Federal EC can help make sure your underground utilities are always in optimal condition.
Contact us today so we could set up an appointment.
When you need top-quality pipe inspection and repair services in the greater Atlanta area and Charlotte, North Carolina, don’t think twice about getting in touch with us here at Federal EC. Our pipe specialists would be more than happy to assist you with all of your project requirements. Contact our team today by calling us or filling out the online form. Federal EC serves Atlanta, GA, and Charlotte, NC. We look forward to working with you.
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