CIPP Process: How It Works

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epoxy liner

Property owners experiencing problems with their pipe systems and are wondering how to go about the repairs can always get in touch with our team here at Federal EC for top-notch pipe rehabilitation in Atlanta, GA. We utilize a variety of methods to get your pipes back in good working order. One of the trenchless solutions we use is the cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) lining.

CIPP pipe lining offers considerable cost savings over traditional excavation and replacement methods, and can be used to repair pipes in almost any condition without disruption to structures or landscapes above them. Read on to learn more about how this pipe restoration process works.


We begin our repairs by inspecting the affected pipes of the underground utility construction project we’ll be working on. The specialized inspection cameras will be able to tell us the extent and location of the damage.


Using the information we’ve gathered from the inspection, we measure how much lining is needed and how much resin should be mixed in. We then insert the resin-saturated inflatable liner into the damaged pipe. This tube used for the trenchless pipe lining process is made from a special blend of materials including polyester, fiberglass, and epoxy resin, providing strength and flexibility.


The lining is then inflated using pressurized air or water to create a tight fit against the inside wall of the pipe. This ensures that the new, smooth surface of the liner will form an effective seal against water and other external elements that might damage the pipe, like intrusive tree roots.


Once the liner has been inserted into the existing pipe and inflated, the liner is cured using hot water, steam, or ultraviolet light curing techniques. This process hardens the resin and bonds the new liner to the existing pipe, creating a single seamless pipeline.


Once cured, any holes in the original pipe are sealed off and all that’s left is a single seamless piece of pipe lining that restores structural integrity to your pipes while still allowing them to function as normal. The result is a structurally sound pipe with improved performance and flow capacity.

Video Inspection

The final step of pipe rehabilitation is to perform a video inspection to evaluate the successfulness of the completion of the project. We perform video inspections every time we carry out projects such as storm drain rehabilitation.

If you have a damaged pipe, contact Federal EC to learn more about the CIPP process, and how it can improve your pipe system.


When you need top-quality pipe inspection and repair services in the greater Atlanta area and Charlotte, North Carolina, don’t think twice about getting in touch with us here at Federal EC. Our pipe specialists would be more than happy to assist you with all of your project requirements. Contact our team today by calling us or filling out the online form. Federal EC serves Atlanta, GA, and Charlotte, NC. We look forward to working with you.

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