Challenges During Underground Utility Construction Projects

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Underground utility construction projects aren’t as forthright as you might think. Even a seasoned underground utility construction contractor such as our team at Federal EC has to take into account and address the challenges that arise during these projects.

The following are difficulties involved in projects such as underground construction and pipe rehabilitation in Atlanta, GA and anywhere else:

Inaccuracy Issues

The ramifications of inaccurate underground utility assessment results are numerous and, in some cases, fatal. Erroneous utility location data risks the safety of the construction workers and increases the possibility of the rehabilitated wire or pipes having problems in the future. In addition, conflicts of location and mapping on underground utilities involved in storm drain rehabilitation and other similar projects can result in completion delays.

Risk of Injuries and Accidents

The complex nature of underground utility projects puts those involved at risk of injuries especially because of the heavy machinery and the labor-intensive extraction work involved. There are also chances of the land being excavated collapsing. Thankfully, services like trenchless pipe lining eliminates the use of heavy equipment and reduces the likelihood of accidents.

High Cost

Costly mistakes are bound to happen if proper surveying and mapping aren’t done beforehand. Certain procedures such as CIPP pipe lining only have a small margin of error. The high-cost challenge of minimizing such errors also increases the possibility of the projects taking longer to complete or workers not getting paid on time, which can delay completion and further strains the property owners’ pockets.

Terrain and Traffic

Our crew has had to deal with uneven surfaces, steep slopes, and varying terrain that make installing pipes on a table level challenging. We also have to account for the safety of passersby if we’re working in a particularly busy area with lots of foot traffic.

Rest assured that Federal EC takes all necessary measures to complete each project as safely and efficiently as we can the first time around. Contact us to request a service appointment.


When you need top-quality pipe inspection and repair services in the greater Atlanta area and Charlotte, North Carolina, don’t think twice about getting in touch with us here at Federal EC. Our pipe specialists would be more than happy to assist you with all of your project requirements. Contact our team today by calling us or filling out the online form. Federal EC serves Atlanta, GA, and Charlotte, NC. We look forward to working with you.

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